Terms of Use

Welcome to the Corporate Website. This Website is owned and operated by Malaysian Bioeconomy Development Corporation Sdn Bhd, a company registered in Malaysia (Company No 691431-D) whose principal place of business is at Level 16, Menara Atlan, 161B Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Visitors to this Website are bound by the following terms and conditions, so please read these carefully before proceeding any further. For the purposes of this Website and any link provided therein, any references to “the Company” shall mean Bioeconomy Development Corporation Sdn Bhd.


The Company maintains this Website to enhance public access to information about its initiatives and the Malaysian government’s biotechnology policies in general. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are brought to our attention, we will endeavour to correct them. The content of this Website (including but not limited to all information, data, representations, statements, hyperlinks, forms, articles and documents found herein) are provided for the purpose of information only. The information provided is of a general nature only and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity.

The Company assumes no responsibility for links to external sites over which it has no control. Accordingly, the contents of this Website should not be relied on as professional or expert advice, and users should seek their own independent advice from consultants, professionals or such other persons who are suitably qualified in the respective fields of expertise.

Whilst every care is taken to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the content herein (save for any content that is created or produced by, or derived from a third party), the Company makes NO WARRANTIES whatsoever (whether express or implied) as to the:

  • Accuracy, suitability, completeness or timeliness of use for any purpose whatsoever of such content;
  • Accuracy or reliability of any of the sources from which such content are derived (whether credited or otherwise);
  • Title, merchantability or fitness for particular purpose of any product or services listed on or directed to by this Website;
  • Non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party;
  • Payment and delivery obligations that may arise as a result of the use of the content of this Website;
  • Confidentiality of any information disclosed to any party, person or entity listed on or directed to by this Website; or
  • Viability or feasibility of any business opportunity, model or any type of investment whatsoever.

The Company assumes no responsibility or liability regarding the use or misuse of such information. It is our goal to minimise disruption caused by technical errors. However some data or information on our site may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not error-free and we cannot guarantee that our service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems.

The Company accepts no responsibility with regard to such problems incurred as a result of using this site or any linked external sites. Should any part of this Website offer you the opportunity to join in or read from a forum or dialogue, please be aware that any communications posted on the forum/dialogue represent the views of the individual who posted such communication and are not to be taken as the views of the Company.

The Company accepts no responsibility or liability for anything posted on the forum/dialogue by any user of the forum/dialogue and you must not use the forum/dialogue to post, upload, or otherwise transmit information or pictures that are defamatory, a breach of privacy or otherwise unlawful. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company hereby expressly disclaims any and all liability of any nature and does not provide any warranties, express or implied for any loss or damage howsoever caused in connection with or arising from the browsing, downloading, uploading or the use of, reliance on or inability to use any of the content of this Website, or from any action or decision taken as a result the browsing, downloading, uploading or the use of or reliance on any of the content of this Website.

This disclaimer is not intended to limit the liability of the Company in contravention of any requirements laid down in applicable laws nor to exclude its liability for matters which may not be excluded under that law.